40 Impossibly Brilliant Tattoo Placement Ideas For Pros

Have you ever found yourself looking at a tattoo on somebody and wondering why you are staring even though you don’t mean to? We are sure that this happens even to people who are not really into tattoos as such. Does this fascination happen due to the design of the tattoo or the quality of the tattoo or due to the placement? We are sure that it could be one or more of the factors. But here we are talking about the magical placement of tattoos that really make it click. For instance, you will see just perfect shoulder tattoos to try in 2016 and in your imagination it will have been done on this person whose shoulders you admire so much. Speaking of cool placement ideas for tattoos, one cannot ignore cute and tiny ankle tattoo designs for the year.

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Impossibly Brilliant Tattoo Placement Ideas For Pros

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Another area for brilliant placement of tattoos is that of the neck area. There is no dearth of ideas for small and sexy neck tattoos for you to try and feel cool and awesome.

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Here Are Some Impossibly Brilliant Tattoo Placement Factors For You To Consider In Order To Make You Feel Like A Pro:

Consider areas for tattooing that won’t age: If you are pro in the world of tattoos you would have taken the pains and efforts to see that tattoos are on skin and skin does age with the passage of time affecting the way the tattoo looks. A pro would research to find out which parts of the body do not age with the passage of time, relatively speaking and get tattoos there so that the charm of the tattoo does not wear out with the passage of time.

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Places in the body that are not so painful: There are certain parts of the body that are tougher than others and some more tender. Tattooing is a process that does entail some level of pain but this pain could vary depending on where the tattooing is being done. A pro would make the efforts to find out which are the places that cause the minimum pain and opt for the placement of the tattoos in these areas.

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Locations that can be revealed and concealed: Another thing about tattoos is that there may come circumstances in your life where you want to flaunt them and some when you feel like concealing them. A pro would select the placement of the tattoo in an area that is both easy to reveal or conceal depending on the occasion or the wish of the person having the tattoo.

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Photo: Andrea Monica Hug

Photo: Andrea Monica Hug

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Simply cool and awesome placements: Besides all these factors, there are some placements that rock because they are simply cool and make the person getting them seem awesome. The key here is the personality and the overall mien of the person who is getting the tattoo. This is probably what they call the X factor and is not something that can really be defined or explained but can definitely be recognized.

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Apart from the points given above, we also provide you with some images so that you have a clear idea about the pro kind of placement for tattoos. Once you have determined the placement area of the tattoo, you have to realize that this is only the first step. It is after this that the real thinking process begins when you have to work out your motivation for getting the tattoo and the significance it holds for you. Once you are done with this, we feel that you should again rethink the process as tattoos are permanent and will be there forever.


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