This Bride Wasn't The Only One With A Surprise -- Watch What Her Groom Had In Store

This Bride Wasn't The Only One With A Surprise -- Watch What Her Groom Had In Store


Madeline Distasio


As he was preparing for the most important day of his life, Michael found a letter from his soon-to-be wife, Jessica.

"We promised each other that we weren't going to get any gifts or cards or anything, and now she's really embarrassing me," he joked. He opened the envelope and read what his favorite lady wanted him to hear before they both walked down the aisle, but even though he didn't have a letter to share with her, he had something else up his sleeve.

While she was busy trying on dresses and picking out centerpieces, Michael, along with family and friends, put a different plan in motion.

While she was busy trying on dresses and picking out centerpieces, Michael, along with family and friends, put a different plan in motion.

YouTube / Blue Kite Cinema

When the big day finally arrived, the happy couple beamed at the prospect of sharing their lives together. Guests watched on as they finally had their first dance as husband and wife.

When the big day finally arrived, the happy couple beamed at the prospect of sharing their lives together. Guests watched on as they finally had their first dance as husband and wife.

YouTube / Blue Kite Cinema

But then Michael walked Jessica over to a chair and sat her down on the edge of the dance floor. She had no idea what to expect, and all she could do was watch the entire thing unfold with the rest of the crowd.

But then Michael walked Jessica over to a chair and sat her down on the edge of the dance floor. She had no idea what to expect, and all she could do was watch the entire thing unfold with the rest of the crowd.

YouTube / Blue Kite Cinema

She'll remember her first dance forever, but something tells me the second dance will hold a special place in her heart.


"You are my constant, my rock, my protector, my comedian, my shoulder to cry on -- the absolute love of my life," Jessica wrote. And in a few short minutes, Michael lived up to all that and more.

People always say that weddings are just as much about family and friends as they are about the couples getting married, and that's certainly true. But even though guests helped bring this performance to life, it's clear that Michael and Jessica would've been just as happy if they were the only two people in the room.

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This Bride Wasn't The Only One With A Surprise -- Watch What Her Groom Had In Store
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