In the days past, when any object took a certain amount of time, effort and money to attain, people were majorly into recycling. This meant that there never was a container that did not take on a new avatar, however, today, this is not the case today. However, when your kids are bored today, we feel that you should encourage them to take up some nice projects that use up things like jars. In fact, you will need to work on encouraging them to take up projects like these when they are bored. Things like bottle art – infinite beauty from recycling waste will make them realize the fun of making things using not much but only waste containers, your imagination and a bit of elbow grease added to some basic supplies. In fact, once you get started on such projects, thaen you can move on to other raw materials like newspaper.
You will find many craft ideas using newspaper that is being recycled and the best part is that it will make you and your kids aware of the green movement and keep them occupied as well as providing you useful things that can be used around the home. This could be added to amazing but simple recycling ideas that can make you feel good about being frugal and environmentally aware.
So in this article, we are going to help you create a jar that will be full of ideas. This can be in the form of folded chits or in the form of icecream sticks, post it pads or for that matter any form. The concept is that when you are bored or any of your family is bored, then can just put their hand in and draw out one of the options and do what it says.
Some Of The I Am Bored Jar Ideas Could Include:
Real I AM BORED Jar Ideas

Read a book series
Start a daily journal for interesting updates

Clean up your junk jewelry or collection drawer
Start collecting something worthwhile

Take a long and strenuous walk
Surf the net to find some interesting YouTube videos to watch

Making a macaroni animal or figure
Create a treasure hunt

Do some gardening
Build a small house of cardboard

Start writing a story for submission online
Collect motivational quotes for inspiration

Put together a time capsule
Make miniature vehicles using supplies available at home

Go through your recipe books and make something that you have never cooked before
Try some nail art that you have never tried before

Have an elaborate and restful bubble bath
Give yourself a pedicure and manicure

Play board games
Make a simple home themed video

Build a pyramid out of cards
Collect interesting looking pebbles and place them in a jar

Research a topic that always intrigued but you didn’t know anything about
Bake something nice for the whole family

Go and play some childish game with your friends
Learn a new card game

Make a nice bookmark
Make some handmade gifts for everyone at home

Sort out your music collection
Go through your wardrobe and remove articles that you no longer use

Make a puppet out of socks
Work on a play or skit that you can do with the rest of the family

Attempt to learn the steps for a new dance form
Clean and polish all your footwear

Play computer games
Use lego blocks to make something elaborate

Buy a painting kit and paint something
Learn ten words in a new language
Try a new style of dressing
Play a musical instrument
You can always tweak this list of suggestions that you put in your jar as per your personal tastes.
You will find many craft ideas using newspaper that is being recycled and the best part is that it will make you and your kids aware of the green movement and keep them occupied as well as providing you useful things that can be used around the home. This could be added to amazing but simple recycling ideas that can make you feel good about being frugal and environmentally aware.
So in this article, we are going to help you create a jar that will be full of ideas. This can be in the form of folded chits or in the form of icecream sticks, post it pads or for that matter any form. The concept is that when you are bored or any of your family is bored, then can just put their hand in and draw out one of the options and do what it says.
Some Of The I Am Bored Jar Ideas Could Include:
Real I AM BORED Jar Ideas
Read a book series
Start a daily journal for interesting updates
Clean up your junk jewelry or collection drawer
Start collecting something worthwhile
Take a long and strenuous walk
Surf the net to find some interesting YouTube videos to watch
Making a macaroni animal or figure
Create a treasure hunt
Do some gardening
Build a small house of cardboard
Start writing a story for submission online
Collect motivational quotes for inspiration
Put together a time capsule
Make miniature vehicles using supplies available at home
Go through your recipe books and make something that you have never cooked before
Try some nail art that you have never tried before
Have an elaborate and restful bubble bath
Give yourself a pedicure and manicure
Play board games
Make a simple home themed video
Build a pyramid out of cards
Collect interesting looking pebbles and place them in a jar
Research a topic that always intrigued but you didn’t know anything about
Bake something nice for the whole family
Go and play some childish game with your friends
Learn a new card game
Make a nice bookmark
Make some handmade gifts for everyone at home
Sort out your music collection
Go through your wardrobe and remove articles that you no longer use
Make a puppet out of socks
Work on a play or skit that you can do with the rest of the family
Attempt to learn the steps for a new dance form
Clean and polish all your footwear
Play computer games
Use lego blocks to make something elaborate
Buy a painting kit and paint something
Learn ten words in a new language
Try a new style of dressing
Play a musical instrument
You can always tweak this list of suggestions that you put in your jar as per your personal tastes.
40 Real I AM BORED Jar Ideas