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Seals Are Actually Ocean Puppies (15+ Pics)

Although dogs and cats live on land and both are easily domesticated, dogs actually have more in common with sea-dwelling mammals than they do with their furry foes. Canines share a lot of similar characteristics with seals for example, mainly because the two are considered Caniformes (which literally means "dog-like") and come from the same suborder of Carnivorans (unlike cats, which are Feliformes).

This genetic link perfectly explains why seals are often known as the puppies of the ocean. Don't believe us? Then take a look at the list below compiled by me. Only one mystery remains: if dogs have so much in common with seals, why do so many of them still hate baths?

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seals Look Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog

Seals Look Like Dog

Seal Looks Like Dog