25 Horrible Pieces Of Advice You Should Never Follow

There are plenty of articles out there that talk about the good advice you need to hear. It’s always about you should do this, and you should do that. It will change your life! You’ll be happy! You’ll be rich! Well, that’s fine, but today we’re going to be doing something different. We’re going to look at “wisdom” that you shouldn’t follow under any circumstances. We cannot reiterate that enough – Do Not Follow Any Of The Advice In This Article. Actually, we’re going to write that in it’s own paragraph, just so that all the people who skip these introductions see it:

Do Not Follow Any Of The Advice In This Article

If you do, then do so at your own risk. The point of this article is to eliminate ignorance. Just because there are lots of articles out there on the internet, doesn’t mean that there is lots of good information. Sometimes the advice is bad, and sometimes it is just downright harmful. Today we are going to look at some of the most common “tips” that malicious friends can give you. Now you can be ready when your prankster friend tries to trick you! These are 25 Horrible Pieces Of Advice You Should Never Follow.



Do what you love, and the money will follow.

Do what you love and the money will follow

Source: imgur

No, if you can make money doing what you love, great. If you can’t, do something that makes money and do what you love in your free time until you can figure out how to make money from it.


You can make cheap cleaner at home by mixing ammonia and bleach.

You can make cheap cleaner at home by mixing ammonia and bleach

Source: reddit

Don’t ever do this. It’s toxic.


Always make sure to change your blinker fluid.

Always make sure to change your blinker fluid

Image: wikipedia, Source: imgur

There’s no such things as blinker fluid.


Close your eyes when cutting onions if you don't want to cry.

Close your eyes when cutting onions if you don't want to cry

Image: pexels, Source: imgur

And then go the emergency room to have you finger sewed back on.


You're either first or last.

You're either first or last

Image: pixabay, Source: reddit

Or second. Or third. Or fourth….


To speed up your computer, delete System32

To speed up your computer, delete System32

Source: 9gag

Never delete files if you don’t know what they are. Google is your friend.


Don't drink dihydrogen monoxide. Everybody that drinks it dies.

Don't drink dihydrogen monoxide. Everybody that drinks it dies.

Source: 9gag

It’s water.


If you can't scoop out the ice cream, microwave the spoon for 20 seconds

If you can't scoop out the ice cream, microwave the spoon for 20 seconds

Source: 9gag

This won’t actually do anything.


Don't stand up to bullies, and they'll eventually leave you alone.

Don't stand up to bullies and they'll eventually leave you alone

Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit

There are a few cases where this may work, but for the most part, it won’t. Taking a stand tends to get better results, even if you don’t “win.”


Just be yourself.

Just be yourself

Source: 9gag

Be a better version of yourself.


Pour water on a grease fire.

Pour water on a grease fire

Image: mroach via Flickr, Source: reddit

Never pour water on a grease fire. Ever.

While this list has horrible advice, here is a list of good advice: 25 Bits Of Advice That We All Need To Hear.


You can fix most computer issues by pressing ALT-F4.

You can fix most computer issues by pressing ALT-F4

Source: 9gag

It will close your current window.


Diesel gas is the same as normal gas except it makes cars go farther.

Diesel gas is the same as normal gas except it makes cars go farther

Image: pixabay, Source: reddit

And jet fuel makes them fly.


College will pay for itself.

College will pay for itself

Image: pixabay, Source: nytimes

Not if you’re studying anything that has the word “art” in it.


If your car is about to be towed, you should get in it to stop them from taking it.

If your car is about to be towed, you should get in it to stop them from taking it

Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit

This works, but only if you peal away. Once the car’s in the air, the cops are going to be called.

Disclaimer: We don’t advocate pealing away.


Stop signs with white outlines are optional.

Stop signs with white outlines are optional

Image: pixabay, Source: imgur

Optional stop signs don’t exist.


Pouring grease down the sink will lubricate the pipes and make them less likely to clog up.

Pouring grease down the sink will lubricate the pipes and make them less likely to clog up

Image: publicdomainpictures.net, Source: lifehacker

Wrong. Besides being bad for the environment, it could actually cause your pipes to eventually clog up.


Whenever your Linux computer starts slowing down just type "rm -rf /" into the terminal.

Whenever your Linux computer starts slowing down just type

Image: pixabay, Source: lifehacker

This will solve the problem, but it will also delete your entire hard drive. Just to be clear: do not do this.


Inflammable is the same as flammable

Inflammable is the opposite of flammable

Image: wikipedia, Source: wiktionary

In case you’re not a native English speaker, these two words basically mean the same thing. If something is inflammable….don’t light a match around it.


Having a kid will solve your problems.

Having a kid will solve your problems

Source: reddit

It will create more problems.


Follow your heart.

Follow your heart

Source: 9gag

Take your brain with you.


You can stop taking your antibiotics when you feel better.

You can stop taking your antibiotics when you feel better

Image: wikipedia, Source: webmd

Don’t do this. Always take whatever your doctor gave you. Even though you feel better, the bacteria must be completely killed off. If even a remnant survives, it will mutate/evolve, and eventually the antibiotic won’t work.


Orange juice tastes better right after brushing your teeth.

Orange juice tastes better right after brushing your teeth

Image: wikipedia, Source: 9gag

Don’t believe it.


Rather than buying expensive sunscreen, just use citrus juice.

Rather than buying expensive sunscreen, just use citrus juice

Source: bbc

Never do this. Citrus oils can actually increase skin damage from the sun.


If you can't get the ice off of your windshield in winter, pour boiling water on it.

If you can't get the ice off of your windshield in winter, pour boiling water on it

Image: pixabay, Source: 9gag

The windshield can break.

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25 Horrible Pieces Of Advice You Should Never Follow
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