40 Smart Ways to Use Old Tires

Old tires are a waste of space and seem to be a blot on the landscape – we are sure that most of us would think like that and despair of ever finding something nice or useful to do with them. But actually, that is not at all true and you can find several smart ways to use up old tires and that too without too much effort. The use of tires give birth to many amazing but simple recycling ideas that will have you jumping with joy. In fact, do not be surprised if the use of old tires features in the list of smart furniture projects to try this year.

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Smart Ways to Use Old Tires

And if you are one of those people who has to have super smart DIY decoration ideas, then you are in for a treat of the likes that you have never had before.

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Here Are Some Simple But Super Hit Ideas That You Can Smartly Use To Make Use Of Your Old Tires:

Make a tire shelf: The tire is one such structure that can be hung on the wall and all you need to do is add simple slaps running horizontally through the width of the tire to use as a shelf.

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Small beach seat: All you need is something colorful to cover the outside of the tire, sand to fill the inside of the tire and then a beach umbrella to stand in the sand and there you have it.

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A cute garden table: Place one tire on top of another and fix firmly and then add a flat top on the top and there you have a sturdy table ready for use in your porch, balcony, veranda or garden.

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Garden seats: Just weave through plastic cords crisscrossing across the hollow of the tire you make a seat on which you can perch while in the garden or any exterior place.

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Simply rocking horse: Cut the tire into half and place a plank on it, add a kind of stick that forms a T in the front and there you have it a basic rocking horse. Do ensure that it is safe before you let kids use it.

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A swing: This idea is an old one but a very good one given that tires give you plenty of space to perch within and is not that heavy so that it allows you to swing when tied securely on a tree branch.

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Tire minion planters: The concept of a minion is composed in such a way that the use of tires seems like a no brainer and then all you need to do is add the right coloring to the exterior of the tires. You can enter the hole in the tire to plant the kind of plants that you like.

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Wishing well: Use the tires stacked one on top of the other to make a nice well and then add a structure on top to house the pulley and there you have a nice well right in your backyard.

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Snowmen: It is simple enough to use tires to make simple and round snowmen that you can paint white on the exterior and embellish accordingly.

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The fact is tires are so flexible and have such a sturdy structure that you can find several uses for them once you get started. You can always look at the images that accompany this article in order to come up with more ideas in case you want to do some more inspiring and interesting art with tires. Not only are they fun to work with, they are easy and very useful too.


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