Beautiful and Interesting indian paintings

Art often takes a lot of inspiration from the factors that surround the artist and that is why you will be able to see and feel the flavor of the artist’s origins when you look at his or her work. Is it any surprise to see that Indian paintings have a distinct stamp that makes them easy to identify? There is definitely a dramatic side to art and you can explore and know more about it and the culture of its origin when you do so.  If you are still not sure about how Indian paintings are any different from any other forms of paintings, then you can look at another art form to know what we mean. Like for instance, the world of tattoos takes on an ethnic and cultural influence from the place of origin.



Beautiful And Interesting Indian Paintings

Beautiful and Interesting indian paintings (4)

Take for instance the traditional Thai tattoo designs that have the flavor of the place very obviously known from that tiny bit of art that is shown on the skin of someone who has it tattooed on. What is more, we all know that Indian art scenario has contributed to the world of art on the whole. You just need to look at the top ten of the most known rock and stone based Indian sculptures to know what we mean.

What makes Indian paintings different from others?

To start with, you may think that they are Indian paintings and thereby the likelihood of their being different could come from the kind of topics on which they paint. Yes, this is definitely one factor that helps differentiate Indian paintings from other styles. Art is after all, inspired by the culture and the atmosphere of the place in which the artist finds himself or herself. That is true, some people even describe art as when emotions and thoughts meet skills and this influence would show in the work that you produce.

The use of colors would also be different in Indian paintings because as a rule, India tends to be the kind of place where colors are bright and they are used boldly. There is a huge likelihood that you will see a lot of strong colors and not many pastels in the Indian style of painting. What is more, if you look at the composition of the paintings especially with relation to light, you will see a marked difference in the way light is depicted. We are sure that most of you must be aware of this, but light is different in different places and since we paint keeping in mind the local situations, the way light is depicted in Indian paintings is also different from that of paintings from other places.

The subject or the topic of paintings also show a marked inclination towards historical and in some cases religious figures. Even if the painting in question is modern, the likelihood  of the painting having distinctive characters is more likely. This is because art can be a reflection of what most people see and perceive. It is very much possible that when you look at an Indian painting, you may well be able to identify it as such due to the distinct features that it will have.

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We are sure that you will enjoy look at the gallery of beautiful and interesting Indian paintings we have put together for you. We want you to go through these and let us know if you have any observations to make that will make identifying Indian paintings even easier. We are sure that as lovers of art, any contributions you make will only help us elevate our senses in this regard.

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