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40 Most Powerful Game Of Thrones Quotes

The series ‘The Game of Thrones’ seems to have become the flavor of the season with it influencing every sphere of our lives including our discussions, our way of thinking, our communication with each other and even quotes. It is not surprising that we are influenced by many aspects of the show though this can also be a bad thing to happen because not everything about the show is positive. But the thing is that nothing is good or bad on its own but what we manage to extricate from it and learn from it, is the important factor. While some of the quotes from the game of thrones are powerful no doubt, they also have a generous amount of obscenities added to them. We would insist that you overlook the bad language and concentrate on the message they deliver. We can give you the striking example of quotes on Karma that will get you thinking and while these may not be all positive, their message is what matters the most.

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The best part is that these powerful quotes deliver a good message, like the inspirational quotes about self-confidence, they do so using a very interesting vehicle to deliver the message. One often does not watch a series hoping to learn something from it but because it is interesting and entertaining but if you also take away valuable lessons, then there is nothing better than that. You can be sure that these are quotes to keep you going when life throws you a curveball and that is what we need once in a while.

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Most Powerful Game Of Thrones Quotes

While we are not trying trivialize the work of those people who have created this series, the more you watch the series, the more you will conclude that while the twists and turns are more dramatic than life itself, it is a representation of all that life is. Think about it, how many times have you looked up after holding your bowed heads in your hands to declare that life is unfair. And this is a message that comes through clearly in the most powerful game of thrones quotes.

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Life can also be stark and cruel and this too is seen clearly in the series. Everyone is fighting and struggling to hold their own and get a better foothold on to life by collecting as much power as possible and this is true of life too. However, what happens in our lives may seem a tad more mundane and not quite as dramatic as what happens in the series and the quotes that are thrown around make this fact very clear. One of the quotes is about making the even the most mundane more mysterious by the simple means of trying to conceal it and for us those who work with social media, this is the absolute truth.

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In the same way, today there is so much talk of disruption being the foundation for innovation and this too becomes clear in the quote about chaos that is used in this series. We have often talked about and also discussed the concept of bravery being even more evident in the face of crisis and this is something that is again made clear in one of the quotes in this series. While we are talking about the powerful quotes in the game of thrones series, we cannot help but mention the one about accepting one’s flaws so that nobody can use them against you, which is so true. Not mentioning this would have felt like a huge void in this ocean of powerful quotes.

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We are sure that if you are reading this article, then you are indeed a fan of this series but if you are not, we believe that reading this article and going through the quotes given here will kindle your interest in it.