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40 Art Panels Decoration To Make Your Wall Look Executive

We feel that the way we decorate and arrange our surroundings create a certain impression, leave you with a perspective and set the mood. That is why there are so many ways in which decorations pan out as we all seek different things from the place we live in and work at. The fact is that while making the office very colorful and fun seems like a good idea, this may not always work for all types of business. This is because each of our homes and offices reflect the impression we are trying to make and the way our personalities are. That is why while there is a place for simple and elegant décor at our offices and homes as well as fun and the playful. In this article we will look at how panel decoration can give your walls an executive vibe that will make it seem formal and official. You can study many patterns to determine what goes on your panel decoration like engaging examples of lovely bamboo houses that you can emulate in your panel to create a distinct impression. This is only one such motif that we are mentioning here but we are sure that there are many motifs for you to look at and choose from when it comes art panels decoration to give your walls an executive look. If you are that way inclined, you even have the choice of looking up the best abstract painting techniques to come up with the motif for your wall panels. The thing is that even the simplest grill designs or tribal designs can be captured in art panels to make them look formal and beautiful at the same time. If you are one of those who is interested to trace and track the development of Renaissance sculpture, then you can use elements of this also in your panel decoration ideas.

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Here Are Some General Ideas That You Can Use To Create Panel Art For An Executive Look:

Asymmetrical designs: Sometimes you will notice that an asymmetrical design is more interesting than something that is purely symmetrical. For instance, uneven lines and a mix of shapes can simply be done in panels to add to the wall and this can look good. If you want you can also choose panels that are not perfectly matching to bring in another interesting angle.

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Cut out bits: You can create an interesting array of panels by cutting out bits of one art work and arranging them in different panels but in such a way that a person realizes that there are parts of the same picture. This will add an interesting twist to the usual framed art that is shown on the wall.

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Continuation pictures: There could be a story that you could depict in pictures that would start at the beginning in one panel and then the story could continue to be depicted pictorially in the next panel and so on. This is another way to make things look executive and interesting at the same time.

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Color samplers: We don’t know if many readers may be aware of what color samplers are – these are bits of different colors of a material that are tacked together in a series for you to pick out, which is called a color sampler. You may have come across something like this when picking out upholstery colors. We are suggesting the creation of panel art of this sort for a different but arresting look.

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Any type of etching: Etchings by themselves have a charm but when you use the panel formation to show them on the wall, they take on an extra look that adds to their beauty. You can use different kinds of carvings or etchings to create panels for an executive look for your home or your offices.

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Please do look at all the points we have made and also the images we have given along with this article, and let us know which ones you like.