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Mermaids Swim In A 10,000 Plastic Bottle Ocean To Show How Much Average Person Pollutes Earth

Montreal-based photographer Benjamin Von Wong (previously here and here) is fascinated with water, but the artist kept his lense above the surface for his latest project Mermaids Hate Plastic to highlight a serious problem.

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Statistically, an average American uses about 167 plastic bottles each year, so by the time he’s 60 the total will be around 10,000. Because of that, Von Wong borrowed 10,000 plastic bottles from Tomra waste management center, took everything to a warehouse and began working with a large group of collaborators. The end result is series of captivating aesthetically pleasing images about an environmental issue, done in a really unique way.

Plastic in the ocean causes much more than water pollution, it releases toxins that can potentially contaminate water sources and this also negatively affects air quality. To get more information about the project and its cause, check out #MermaidsHatePlastic.

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Photographer Benjamin Von Wong put mermaids in a 10,000 plastic bottle sea to raise awareness about pollution

Plastic in the ocean causes much more than water pollution


It releases toxins that can potentially contaminate water sources and this also negatively affects air quality


“If the average American uses 167 plastic bottles a year, in 60 years they will have used 10,000 plastic bottles”


“Over the course of a few days, a small army of volunteers came to help de-label, un-cap, and clean our 10,000 bottles”


“Change happens when individuals come together to fight for something they believe in,” the artist said


If you love this project, consider going to and signing Von Wong’s pledge to reuse your bottles


For more information, check out the video below: