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English T-Shirts In Asia (20+ Pics)

One of the great things about the world we live in is the rich and diverse variety of languages that you can find across the globe. The only problem is that, as you can see from these pictures, sometimes these languages don't quite translate...

In homage to hilarious translation fails, we has compiled this list of t-shirts from East Asia that don't quite say what they should ("Texas state it's a triangle OMG so hipster triangle", for example). Some of them don't say anything at all (well, not unless "temmby woroing terrislylastly" means anything to anyone?). But while all of them may have failed as far as translation is concerned, they have all definitely succeeded in making us laugh. Hard.

Seen any brilliant t-shirt translations that we might have missed? Then add to them to the list below and don't forget to vote for your favorite!


I'm A Kindergarten Teacher In China And One Of My Students Was Rocking This Shirt Today

While At The Golden Pavilion In Kyoto, I Saw This Man With Quite Possibly The Greatest Shirt In Japan

Teaching English In Korea. Best Shirt Ever? Yup!

This Little Guy

I Saw This Girl In Tokyo

My Chinese Friend Doesn't Understand English. This Is Her Favourite Top

I Deliver Food To Seniors Who Live In Homes As A Side Job. This Woman's Shirt Made My Day

Inspirational T-Shirt In Asia

Gangsta Granny

My Brother Teaches English In Vietnam. I Don't Think This Young Student Or His Parents understood What His T-Shirt Meant

Japan And Its Impossible Standards

Got A New Shirt, It Means 'Tranquility' In English


My Buddy Is Teaching Young Kids In Taiwan. This Is His Student

Much Sense. Wow

Matching Sweaters For Your Favorite And Second Favorite Child

You Don't Want To Mess With This Lady

Haters Gonna Hate And Ain'ters Gonna Ain't

Funny English-Language Slogans On T-Shirts Is Nothing New In Asia, But This One Really Stood Out To Me

Another Awesome Japanese Shirt Found In Their "American" Store


Seen On A Street In Osaka

At A Train Station In Osaka. There Were About Five Of These Young Women With Matching Outfits.

Found In A High End Store In Tokyo.