20 Paint on Glass animation Videos and Animation Techniques

Paint On Glass Animation

Painting on glass animation is a lot of fun. Artists around the world use oil paints as it takes many days to dry. Using paints on glass, artists create a short story and film them frame by frame for their stories. Turpentine is used to remove the oil paints, so the images seem to melt into the prvious ones,creating a fluid motion. Russian animator Aleksandr Petrov has used this paint on animation technique in movies and has won several awards for the same.Animation techniques

Paint on Glass animation

Paint-on-glass Animation techniques: Paint on glass animation is a technique using oil paints, since they are slow drying into an animation film. Using linseed oil and mineral turpentine, parts of the glass can be cleaned, to make it ready for the next design. Sometimes water based paints are mixed with glycerine to slow down the speed of drying, allowing the animator to work on them for a longer period. In this technique, characters are shown in different locations by smudging the background to show a new location. Animators also use sand, brick dust, whiteboard markers, charcoals and pastels to add more drama to their animation films. We included 20 inspiring Paint-on-glass Animationvideos below,

paint on glass animationpaint on glass animationpaint on glass animationpaint on glass animationpaint on glass animationpaint on glass animation

The Old Man and The Sea - Paint-on-glass Animation

This is one of the greatest Animated film I have ever seen. A wonderful and inspiring adaptation of Earnest Hemingway's story of the same title. Aleksandr Petrov, the one man Army behind this classic adaptation, has achieved so many well deserved prestigious awards for this once in a life time movie that can be made. The film won many awards, including the Academy Award for Animated Short Film. Work on the film took place in Montreal over a period of two and a half years and was funded by an...

The Old Man and The Sea - Paint-on-glass Animation
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Paint on glass by elham doost

Paint on glass by elham doost
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The Umbrella - Paint on glass animation

The Umbrella - Paint on glass animation
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Tuzik 2001 Wordless Russian animation by Agamurad Amanov - Paint on glass animation

Tuzik 2001 Wordless Russian animation by Agamurad Amanov - Paint on glass animation
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The autumn of childhood - Paint on glass animation

 The autumn of childhood - Paint on glass animation
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My Love by Aleksandr Petrov - Paint on Glass Animation

My Love by Aleksandr Petrov - Paint on Glass Animation
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The dream of a ridiculous man by Aleksandr Petrov - Paint on Glass Animation

The dream of a ridiculous man by Aleksandr Petrov - Paint on Glass Animation
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The Mermaid by by Aleksandr Petrov - Paint on Glass Animation

The Mermaid by by Aleksandr Petrov - Paint on Glass Animation
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The Street by Caroline leaf - Paint on Glass Animation

The Street by Caroline leaf - Paint on Glass Animation
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The man with no shadow by George Schwizgebel - Paint on Glass Animation
The man with no shadow by George Schwizgebel - Paint on Glass Animation
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Sparx by Sally Pearce - Paint on glass animation
Sparx by Sally Pearce - Paint on glass animation
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Crow Moon by Blobina - Paint on glass animation
Crow Moon by Blobina - Paint on glass animation
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BLOWN MINDED by Carine Khalife - Paint on glass animation
BLOWN MINDED by Carine Khalife - Paint on glass animation
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The CAT by 3D2D Animatori - Paint on glass animation
The CAT by 3D2D Animatori - Paint on glass animation
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ELEPHANTS by Sally Pearce - Paint on glass animation
ELEPHANTS by Sally Pearce - Paint on glass animation
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The Rooster - cardboard, cut out, paint on glass by Eimhin McNamara
The Rooster - cardboard, cut out, paint on glass by Eimhin McNamara
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Leaf by AUCB - Paint on glass animation
Leaf by AUCB - Paint on glass animation
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'Immersion' - Paint On Glass Animation
'Immersion' - Paint On Glass Animation
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Enliven - Paint on Glass Animation by Nashika
Enliven - Paint on Glass Animation by Nashika
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Paint on glass animation is a very labourious art by the animator which is destroyed continuously, to create the next set of images. Perfection is most important as it's difficult to recreate the same scenes again and again. Nowadays one can see sand on glass animations being displayed at many shows and events. Creativity, imagination and patience is required to master this technique.


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20 Paint on Glass animation Videos and Animation Techniques
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