From the archives of Amusing Planet.
The Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca, on the border of Peru and Bolivia, is notable for a population of pre-Incan people called Uros who live on artificial islands made of floating reeds called totora. The purpose of the island settlements was originally defensive, and if a threat arose they could be moved. The largest island even retains a watchtower almost entirely constructed of reeds.
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park: The Flooded Desert
Lençóis Maranhenses in northeastern Brazil is a desert. But, in the beginning of every year, the region is subject to regular rains. The rain water accumulates in the valleys in between sand dunes and forms clear blue and green lagoons that reach their fullest between July and September. During this time the the silky white sands of the desert is intercepted at regular intervals by endless cool oases of turquoise lakes.
Sunland Baobab - A Bar Inside a Hollowed Out Tree
Sunland Baobab is an enormous baobab tree in South Africa, and one of the largest baobabs in South Africa. It is so big that there's room enough for a small pub inside.
Gibraltar, World’s Only Airport Runway Intersecting a Road
Gibraltar Airport or North Front Airport is a civilian airport that serves the British overseas territory of Gibraltar, a tiny peninsula with an area of only 6.8 square kilometres. The lack of flat space on Gibraltar means the peninsula's only runway is bisected by its busiest road, the Winston Churchill Avenue that heads towards the land border with Spain. A pair of flimsy-looking barriers closes vehicular traffic every time a plane lands or departs.
The Cloud Covered Island of Litla Dimun
Litla Dimun is a small island between the islands of Suouroy and Stora Dimun in the Faroe Islands. It is the smallest of the main 18 islands, being less than 100 hectares (250 acres) in area, and is the only one uninhabited. One of the most striking feature of this island is that it often remains covered in clouds. This type of cloud is known as Lenticular clouds, so called because it is shaped like a lens. Lenticular clouds are always stationary and when formed over mountain peaks or islands, like Litla Dimun, looks like a majestic hat.
The Sunken Bridge of Fort de Roovere
Fort de Roovere, in the Netherlands, is a 17th century fort with a moat around. A few years ago, the fort was opened for tourist but instead of building an overbridged over the moat which would have definitely taken away the fort’s dramatic view, a sunken bridge was designed. From afar, the bridge is invisible to the eye. But as visitors approach the fort, the bridge appears as a break in the water.
Annual Red Crab Migration on Christmas Island
Christmas Island is a small Australian island in the Indian Ocean, 2,600 kilometers northwest of the city of Perth, that is home to many species of animal and plant. The island is particularly noted for its prodigious populations of Christmas Island red crabs, a species of land crab that is endemic to the island, and their spectacular migration from the forest to the coast each year during the breeding season.
Panjin Red Beach, China
The Red Beach is located in the Liaohe River Delta, about 30 kilometer southwest of Panjin City in China. The beach gets its name from its appearance, which is caused by a type of sea weed that flourishes in the saline-alkali soil. The weed that start growing during April or May remains green during the summer. In autumn, this weed turns flaming red, and the beach looks as if it was covered by an infinite red carpet that creates a rare red sea landscape.
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